
在美国的银行 ATM 费用:银行收取多少费用以及如何避免?

银行 ATM 费用从每笔交易 2.50 美元到高达 5 美元或更多不等,具体取决于您使用的 ATM 是在网络外还是国际上。当您使用并非由您自己的银行运营的 ATM 进行取款、存款甚至是简单的余额查询时,您可能会遇到大量额外费用。有时,这些费用由您的银行和运营您使用的 ATM 的公司收取。

ATM 运营商的费用:当使用不属于您的银行机器网络的 ATM 时,机器通常会通知您银行或运营 ATM 的公司收取的费用。银行在其 ATM 上向非客户收取 1.50 至 3.50 美元的费用,但非银行 ATM 运营商通常收取更高的费用,每笔交易高达 10 美元。例如,拉斯维加斯的赌场因对 ATM 取款收取高额费用而臭名昭著。

您的银行的非网络费用:您自己的银行也可能会向您收取使用其他银行或机构运营的 ATM 的”非网络”ATM 费用。这些费用通常在 2.00 美元到 3.50 美元之间,具体取决于您的银行和您注册的服务级别。请注意,在您的 ATM 交易期间,您不会被告知此类费用。

国际交易费用:对于国际交易,您通常需要支付更高的现金提款费用。这些费用结合了大约 2.00 美元到 7.00 美元的固定费用和按提取金额百分比计算的转换率,通常为 3%。


以下是各银行收取的标准ATM取款费用。非网络 ATM 费用适用于在任何不属于您银行的机器上进行的内部交易。

虽然我们调查的 22 家银行都提供免费使用自己的 ATM 的服务,但它们都向客户收取在其他公司机器上的交易费用,这些机器被视为非网络 ATM。 对于在较高级别的支票或储蓄账户中保留大量余额的客户,大多数银行将免除非网络 ATM 费用。 美国银行是少数几家不对任何账户提供这种 ATM 费用减免的银行之一,但该银行强调,它可能会根据您的账户历史逐案提供退款。

值得称赞的是,美国银行是全球 ATM 联盟的一部分,该联盟指导其客户在国外旅行时使用特定的 ATM。 例如,当美国银行的客户从巴克莱银行的 ATM 机上提取英镑时,他们无需向任何一家银行支付交易费用,但仍需支付 3% 的费用来支付货币兑换费用。

如何避免高额 ATM 费用

如果您支付了过多的 ATM 费用,您有几种直接的方法可以降低成本。这些方法都涉及提前计划并考虑您的 ATM 习惯。




您可以通过跟踪您的银行在何处运营 ATM 和分支机构来坚持使用免费 ATM。了解哪些当地商店提供现金返还选项也是如此。提取大量资金会减少您在 ATM 机上取款的次数,但携带更多现金会带来更大的损失风险。如果这些做法看起来不切实际或不适合您,您也可以通过转换银行来避免 ATM 费用。

查找没有 ATM 费用的免费支票账户

有几家银行提供免费支票账户,完全没有非网络 ATM 费用,无论您决定使用哪些 ATM。一些银行通过对您支付给其他公司的任何 ATM 费用提供回扣来进一步采取此政策。以下是一些最好的例子:

Ally 银行:Ally 是一家主要的网上银行,这意味着它不经营任何自己的实体分支机构。然而,这家银行通过与 Allpoint 的合作提供免费的全国 ATM 访问,Allpoint 是一家在美国拥有 55,000 多台自动取款机的公司。此外,Ally 账户持有人无需支付非网络 ATM 费用,并且每月可收到高达 10.00 美元的补偿,用于支付他们支付给其他公司的任何 ATM 运营商费用。

Aspiration:Aspiration Summit 帐户是一种在线检查选项,可免费访问世界上任何 ATM。除了免费使用 SUM 网络中的所有 ATM 外,该公司还每月偿还您支付给其他银行或运营商的所有 ATM 费用。这个账户也不需要月费,是一个相当划算的选择。

Capital One 360​​:Capital One 确实会收取一些 ATM 费用——但任何拥有 Capital One 360​​ 支票账户的人都可以获得这些费用的免费通行证。虽然其作为在线支票账户的地位意味着 Capital One 360​​ Checking 提供有限的实体服务,但您无需支付任何月费或非网络 ATM 费用。但是,当您使用其他公司的 ATM 时,Capital One 不会向您报销其他公司收取的任何运营商费用。与 Ally 一样,Capital One 也是 Allpoint ATM 网络的合作伙伴。

施瓦布银行:另一个在线选项,施瓦布银行高收益投资者支票账户为全球所有 ATM 费用提供无限制的回扣。这个支票账户没有月费或最低余额,但您需要开设一个 Schwab One 经纪账户——也是免费的。如果您正在寻找一种简单的投资选择以及消除 ATM 成本,那么 Schwab 是一个不错的选择。


降低国内 ATM 费用的一种方法是将您的标准支票账户升级为高收益账户。某些银行可能会免除其非网络 ATM 费用或向您报销其他 ATM 所有者收取的运营商费用。但是,高收益账户通常会产生无法避免的每月服务费,除非您达到较高的最低账户余额。以下是升级到高收益支票对一些主要银行的 ATM 成本的影响:

Chase 银行:Chase Premier Plus Checking 在每个报表周期内向账户持有人退款四次,而其 Premier Platinum Checking 账户可无限制地免费使用非 Chase ATM。 Premier Plus 帐户每月收取 25 美元的费用,除非您的关联帐户的平均每日余额至少为 15,000 美元,或者有与 Chase 抵押贷款相关的自动付款。白金级帐户的费用为每月 35 美元,除非您的合格帐户中有 75,000 美元或更多。

花旗银行:与 7-11 和免费的 ATM-finder MoneyPass 合作,为其客户提供该国 34,000 台自动取款机。此外,Citigold 持卡人可以完全免除银行使用非附属 ATM 的费用。花旗会员需要在其花旗银行账户中维持 50,000 美元以上或包括投资组合在内的 100,000 美元账户。

Citizens Bank:Citizens Bank Platinum 和 Platinum Plus 帐户等更高级别的支票帐户可让您每月最多免除 4 次 ATM 费用。但是,您至少需要 25,000 美元才能避免这些高级帐户每月 25.00 美元的费用。

五三银行:首选支票账户免除五三的非网络费用以及其他银行的运营商费用,这些费用”当天返还给您——每月最多10次”。除非您的存款和投资账户中至少有 100,000 美元,否则此账户每月需支付 25.00 美元的服务费。

KeyBank:Key Privilege Select Checking Account 涵盖无限数量的非 KeyBank ATM 费用,而两个较低级别的帐户每月向您报销 6 美元,费用相同。 Privilege 帐户有 50.00 美元的月费,可以通过保持您的总余额等于或超过 100,000 美元来避免。

PNC 银行:具有 Performance Select 的虚拟钱包免除所有 PNC 费用并无限制地报销其他银行收取的费用。标准虚拟钱包帐户可能具有类似的好处,具体取决于您居住的地方。如果您的平均每月余额达到 5,000 美元,则 PNC Performance Select 不收取月服务费。否则,每个报表周期将向您收取 25.00 美元的费用。


许多经纪服务也允许您在 ATM 取款的银行卡。 E*Trade、Charles Schwab 和 Fidelity 等公司(我们的顶级在线免佣金 ETF 经纪商)通常没有实体分支机构,但会退还与使用非附属 ATM 提取现金相关的费用。 Charles Schwab 甚至会退还国际交易的所有费用,而 E*Trade 和 Fidelity 仅收取 1% 的费用。



Bank ATM Fees: How Much Do Banks Charge and How Can I Avoid Them?

by Andrew Pentis  updated Aug 3, 2021

Bank ATM fees can vary from as low as $2.50 per transaction to as high as $5 or more, depending on whether the ATM you use is out-of-network or even international. When you use an ATM that isn’t operated by your own bank to make withdrawals, deposits or even simple balance inquiries, you can run into a bundle of extra fees. Sometimes these fees are charged by both your bank and by the company that operates the ATM you use.

  • The ATM operator’s fee: When using an ATM that isn’t part of your bank’s network of machines, the machine usually notifies you about a fee charged by the bank or company that operates the ATM. Banks charge non-customers $1.50 to $3.50 at their ATMs, but non-bank ATM operators often charge more, up to $10 per transaction. Casinos in Las Vegas, for instance, are notorious for setting high fees on ATM cash withdrawals.
  • Your bank’s non-network fee: Your own bank may also charge you a “non-network” ATM fee for using an ATM operated by another bank or institution. These charges will typically cost between $2.00 and $3.50, depending on your bank and the tier of service you’re enrolled in. Note that you won’t be told about such fees at any time during your ATM transaction.
  • International transaction fee: For international transactions you usually pay higher fees on cash withdrawals. These fees combine a flat charge of around $2.00 to $7.00 with a conversion rate that is calculated as a percentage of the amount withdrawn, typically 3 percent.

ATM Fees By Bank

The following are the standard ATM withdrawal fees charged by each bank. Non-network ATM fees apply to domestic transactions at any machine that doesn’t belong to your bank.

BankNon-Network ATM FeeInternational ATM FeeATM Operator Fee
Bank of America$2.50$5.00 and 3%$3.00
BB&T$2.50$5.00 and 3%$2.50
BBVA Compass$2.50$2.50 and 3%
BMO Harris$2.50$2.50 and 3%$2.50
Capital One$2.00$2.00 and 3%$3.00
Chase$2.50$5.00 and 3%$3.00
Citibank$2.50$2.50 and 3%$3.00
Citizens Bank$3.00$3.00 and 3%$3.00
Comerica Bank$2.50$5.00 and 3%$3.00
Fifth Third Bank$2.75$5.00 and 3%$1.50–$3.50
HSBC Bank$2.50$2.50 and 3%
Keybank$2.50$5.00 and 1%$2.50

While all of the 22 banks we examined offer free use of their own ATMs, all of them charge customers for transactions at other companies’ machines, which are considered non-network ATMs. Most banks will waive the non-network ATM fee for customers who keep large balances in higher-tier checking or savings accounts. Bank of America is one of the few banks that don’t offer this ATM fee waiver on any account, but the bank stressed that it may offer a refund on a case-by-case basis depending on your account history.

To its credit, Bank of America is a part of the Global ATM Alliance, which directs its customers to use specific ATMs when travelling abroad. For example, when Bank of America customers withdraw British pounds from Barclays Bank ATMs, they won’t have to pay either bank for the transaction, although a 3 percent fee still applies to cover the currency exchange.

How to Avoid High ATM Fees

If you’re paying too much in ATM fees, you have several immediate ways of reducing your costs. These methods each involve planning ahead and thinking about your ATM habits.

  • Use your bank’s app to find branches and free ATMs near you
  • Choose the cash-back option when paying at grocery stores and other merchants
  • Withdraw cash less frequently but in greater amounts

You can stick to using free ATMs by keeping track of where your bank operates ATMs and branches. The same goes for knowing which local stores offer the cash-back option. Withdrawing larger amounts of money will reduce the number of ATM withdrawals you make, but carrying more cash comes with greater risk of loss. If these practices seem impractical or unsuitable for you, you can also avoid ATM fees by switching banks.

Find Free Checking Accounts With No ATM Fees

Several banks offer free checking accounts with no non-network ATM fees at all, regardless of which ATMs you decide to use. A few banks take this policy even further by offering rebates on any ATM fees you pay to other companies. Here are a few of the best examples:

Ally Bank: Ally is a major online-only bank, which means that it doesn’t operate any physical branches of its own. However, this bank offers free nationwide ATM access through a partnership with Allpoint, a company with over 55,000 ATMs in the United States. In addition, Ally account holders pay no non-network ATM fees and receive up to $10.00 in reimbursement each month for any ATM operator fees they pay to other companies.

Aspiration: The Aspiration Summit Account is an online checking option that offers no-fee access to any ATM in the world. In addition to offering free access to all ATMs in the SUM network, the company reimburses all ATM fees you pay to other banks or operators on a monthly basis. This account also costs no monthly fee, making it a fairly cost-effective option.

Capital One 360: Capital One does charge some ATM fees—but anyone with the Capital One 360 Checking Account gets a free pass on those costs. While its status as an online checking account means that Capital One 360 Checking offers limited brick-and-mortar service, you won’t need to pay any monthly fee or non-network ATM fees. However, Capital One won’t reimburse you for any operator fees charged by other companies when you use their ATMs. Like Ally, Capital One is a partner in the Allpoint ATM network.

Schwab Bank: Another online option, the Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking Account offers unlimited rebates for all ATM fees, worldwide. This checking account has no monthly fee or minimum balance, but you will be required to open a Schwab One brokerage account—also fee-free. Schwab is a good fit if you’re looking for a simple investment option in addition to eliminating your ATM costs.

Upgrade to a High-Yield Checking Account

One way to reduce domestic ATM fees is to upgrade your standard checking account to a high-yield account. Certain banks may waive their non-network ATM fees or reimburse you for operator fees charged by other ATM owners. However, high-yield accounts often come with monthly service charges that can’t be avoided unless you meet a high minimum account balance. Here’s how upgrading to high-yield checking affects your ATM costs at some major banks:

Chase Bank: Chase Premier Plus Checking refunds account holders four times per statement period, while its Premier Platinum Checking account provides unlimited free access to non-Chase ATMs. The Premier Plus account comes with a $25 monthly charge unless you have an average daily balance of at least $15,000 spanning connected accounts or have an automatic payments linked to a Chase mortgage. The Platinum level account costs $35 month unless you have $75,000 or more in qualifying accounts.

Citibank: has the benefit of partnering with 7-Eleven and free ATM-finder MoneyPass to outfit its customers with 34,000 ATMs in the country. Plus, Citigold cardholders have the bank’s fee for using unaffiliated ATMs waived altogether. Citigold members need to maintain $50,000+ in their Citibank accounts or $100,000 in accounts including investment portfolio.

Citizens Bank: higher-level checking accounts like the Citizens Bank Platinum and Platinum Plus accounts let you waive ATM fees up to four times per month. However, you’ll need at least $25,000 in order to avoid the $25.00 monthly fees on these premium accounts.

Fifth Third Bank: the Preferred Checking account waives Fifth Third’s non-network charges as well as other banks’ operator fees, which are “rebated back to you on the same day—up to 10 times per month.” There is a $25.00 monthly service charge for this account unless there is at least $100,000 across your deposit and investment accounts.

KeyBank: the Key Privilege Select Checking Account covers an unlimited number of non-KeyBank ATM charges, while two lower-tier accounts reimburse you for $6 per month for the same costs. The Privilege account has a $50.00 monthly fee, which can be avoided by keeping your total balances equal to or over $100,000.

PNC Bank: Virtual Wallet with Performance Select waives all PNC fees and reimburses an unlimited amount of the fees charged by other banks. The standard Virtual Wallet account may have similar benefits depending on where you live. There is no monthly service fee for PNC Performance Select if your combined average monthly balance reaches $5,000. Otherwise, you’ll be billed $25.00 each statement cycle.

Consider Brokerage Accounts

A number of brokerage services also issue bank cards that allow you to access cash at ATMs. Companies like E*Trade, Charles Schwab and Fidelity—our top commission-free ETF brokers online—generally do not have brick-and-mortar branches but instead will refund the fees associated with using an unaffiliated ATM for cash withdrawals. Charles Schwab will even refund all fees for international transactions while E*Trade and Fidelity charge only a 1 percent fee.