

[$ 79.99节省51%] Obihai OBi202带路由器的VoIP电话盒 - Google语音,SIP和T.38传真支持

非常优质和流行的网络电话盒,这个价位非常棒,用它可以连接4个网络电话号码,是目前唯一一个配有连接google voice的功能,并可设置号码内部的转接,具有路由功能,非常强大!对需要安装网络电话FPL和Fongo的朋友非常推荐这款产品。





  • Google Voice Officially Supported Device
  • Easy to Set-Up Using OBiTALK
  • Free Domestic and Super Low-Cost International Calling
  • Works with Up to Four (4) VoIP Services
  • USB Port for Obihai Accessories OBiWiFi, OBiBT

Free Calls with Your Home & Small Business Phones

Obihai OBi202 VoIP Phone Adapter with Router - SIP, T.38 Fax Support

Use your existing corded or cordless phone(s) and your broadband Internet to make and receive calls over the Internet for FREE (or at a very low-cost).
Via the OBi202's two (2) on-board phone connections, you have the power make and receive phone calls using VoIP services for FREE or at a fraction of the cost a traditional phone company would charge. The OBi202 supports up to four (4) VoIP services like Google Voice, Anveo, Phonepower, OneSuite or a multitude of SIP Internet phone services as well as calls to other OBi endpoints via Obihai's free OBiTALK network. The OBi202 also supports the T.38 fax standard for reliable facsimile calls over the Internet.

The OBi202 is equipped with a two-port router with integrated quality of service (QoS). The OBi202 may be installed in a variety of network environments and/or locations where upstream voice traffic needs to be prioritized above other types of traffic like web surfing and uploading pictures and movies.

The OBi202 USB port serves multiple purposes when used with Obihai USB accessory products. Using the OBiWiFi Wireless Adapter, the OBi202 can be placed anywhere within range of an 802.11b/g/n access point. The OBiBT Bluetooth wireless adapter allows a USB-equipped OBi device to pair with a mobile phone so you can place calls and answer calls using any standard home phones connected to the OBi. The OBiBT works with most mobile phones using Bluetooth wireless technology. The OBiLINE adapter allows a USB-equipped OBi device to make calls to a Land-Line Service from Phones Connected to the OBi.

Obihai OBi202带路由器的VoIP电话适配器 - SIP,T.38传真支持
通过OBi202的两(2)个车载电话连接,您可以免费使用VoIP服务拨打和接听电话,或者只需传统电话公司收取的一小部分费用。 OBi202支持多达四(4)种VoIP服务,例如Google Voice,Anveo,Phonepower,OneSuite或多种SIP网络电话服务,以及通过Obihai的免费OBiTALK网络呼叫其他OBi终端。 OBi202还支持T.38传真标准,可通过互联网进行可靠的传真呼叫。

OBi202配有集成了服务质量(QoS)的双端口路由器。 OBi202可安装在各种网络环境和/或上游语音流量需要优先于其他类型流量(如网上冲浪和上传图片和电影)的位置。

与Obihai USB配件产品一起使用时,OBi202 USB端口有多种用途。使用OBiWiFi无线适配器,OBi202可以放置在802.11b / g / n接入点范围内的任何地方。 OBiBT蓝牙无线适配器允许配备USB的OBi设备与移动电话配对,因此您可以使用连接到OBi的任何标准家用电话拨打电话并接听电话。 OBiBT可与大多数使用蓝牙无线技术的手机配合使用。 OBiLINE适配器允许配备USB的OBi设备从连接到OBi的电话拨打直线服务。