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外国人在加拿大使用无人机的要求:(Drone of foreign pilot operators in Canada)


您必须已经被允许在您的国家内被批准可将无人机用于相同目的(你国籍所在国家的相关证书或Licence)。 在您的SFOC申请中包括您所在国家/地区的批准或授权。



1.填写特殊飞行操作证明书申请表 Application for a Special Flight Operations Certificate  [PDF,1.2 MB]并收集申请书中指定的文件


Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Centre of Expertise
700, Leigh-Capreol Place Dorval, Quebec H4Y 1G7
Email: TC.RPASCentre-CentreSATP.TC@tc.gc.ca


How to apply

To apply for this certificate:

  1. Complete an Application for a Special Flight Operations Certificate form [PDF, 1.2 MB] and gather the documentation specified in the application
  2. Send the form and documents to:
    Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Centre of Expertise
    700, Leigh-Capreol Place Dorval, Quebec H4Y 1G7
    Email: TC.RPASCentre-CentreSATP.TC@tc.gc.ca

Apply as early as possible before you plan to use your drone. Your application may take longer to process if it is missing information or if we receive a large number of applications.

Foreign operators

If you are a foreign operator (that is, you are not a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or a corporation incorporated by or under federal or provincial and you want to fly in Canadian airspace), you must have an approved SFOC to fly a drone for any purpose (recreational, work or research).

You must already be allowed to use the drone for the same purpose in your home country. Include your country’s approval or authorization with your application for the SFOC.





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