





2022 年 8 月 22 日


我遇到很多想要在夏威夷大岛上购买第二套住房的买家,他们希望短期租用该房产以帮助支付费用。短期租赁被定义为 30 天或更短的时间,夏威夷县几十年来一直在规范这一点。最好的选择是拥有可从县获得的短期度假租赁许可证 (STVR),允许在没有主人在场的情况下出租房产。许多买家不知道该计划已于 2019 年 4 月 30 日结束。夏威夷县自该日起停止发行新的 STVR,只有当时存在的房产现在才允许以这种方式继续。如果希望短期度假出租房产的买家有幸找到一个现有且有效的 STVR,则可以通过一些规定将这些 STVR 转让给新所有者。

对于希望短期出租大岛上新购买的住宅区物业的一部分的买家来说,还有另一种选择。这是为了获得夏威夷县的住宿加早餐许可证。为了做到这一点,物业的所有者将需要申请此许可证并同意几项规则和规定。获得的许可证被称为”特殊用途许可证”,由规划部门授予,自 1996 年起生效。该许可证允许将住宅物业用作住宿加早餐企业。

夏威夷县的 B&B 仅限于单户住宅,或者可能是业主可以在短期内租用的单独宾馆。业主可以免费为客人提供早餐。虽然这不是旅馆或酒店,但它可以让人们从他们的住所中获得收入。这种类型的操作需要遵循几条规则。这里是其中的一些:



每位客人的租金为 30 天或更短。


任何时候最多允许 10 位客人。




申请此许可证的费用为 500 美元,申请时必须附有房产的详细说明和几份附加文件。一旦所有文件都经过审查并被认为可以接受,下一步是主题财产的所有者通知所有所有者和承租人记录位于主题财产周边边界 300 英尺内的所有地段。该过程继续进行,并在该县的一位规划专员面前举行公开听证会。这次听证会让邻居有机会就他们可能关心的任何潜在问题发表意见,并让专员有时间评估这些问题。如果没有发现任何问题,住宿和早餐许可证将在收到初始申请后的四个月内或更早的时间内签发。请在下面查看此过程的有用链接。

Use_Permit_form (hawaiicounty.gov)

Requirement to Inform Property Owners – Laserfiche WebLink (hawaiicounty.gov)

Chapter 25 (hawaiicounty.gov)



Bed and Breakfast Regulations of the Big Island



I come across so many Buyers that want to purchase a second home here on the Big Island of Hawaii that are hoping to short-term rent the property to help with expenses. Short-term renting is defined as 30 days or less, and the County of Hawaii has been regulating this for decades. The most preferable option is to have a Short Term Vacation Rental Permit (STVR) that was obtainable from the County which allows for the property to be rented out without a host being present. Many Buyers are not aware that this program ended as of April 30, 2019. The County of Hawaii stopped issuing new STVRs as of that date, and only properties that had these in existence at that time are now allowed to continue in this fashion. If a buyer wishing to short-term vacation rent a property is lucky enough to find one with an existing and active STVR, these STVRs can be transferred to new owner with a few stipulations.

There is another option for Buyers wishing to short-term rent out a portion of a newly purchased residentially zoned property here on the Big Island. This is to obtain a Bed and Breakfast permit from the County of Hawaii. In order to do this the owner of the property will need to apply for this permit and agree to several rules and regulations. The permit to be acquired is known as a “Special Use Permit” which is granted from the Planning Department, and has been in effect since 1996. This permit allows for a residential property to be used as a Bed and Breakfast business.

B&Bs in the County of Hawaii are limited to single-family dwellings, or perhaps a separate guest house in which the owner of the property can rent this short term. The owner is allowed to serve guests just breakfast at no additional cost. While this is not an Inn or a Hotel, this allows one to produce income from their residence. There are several rules to be followed with this type of operation. Here are some of them:

  • Owner of the property is to be onsite with guests and is to live in the dwelling.
  • 5 guest rooms are allowed per a minimum 15,000 sqft. lot or greater.
  • Rental is for 30 days or less per guest.
  • Off street parking space necessary for each room.
  • Up to 10 guests at any time is allowed.
  • Only breakfast can be served and is included with stay.
  • A Bed and Breakfast permit ” runs with the land” and can be passed to new owners upon sale of property.

Applying for this permit costs $500 and application must be accompanied with a detailed description of the property and several additional documents. Once all documents are reviewed and deemed acceptable, the next step is for the owner of the subject property to notify all owners and lessees of record of all lots located within 300 ft. of the perimeter boundary of subject property. The process continues with a public hearing before one of the County’s planning commissioners. This hearing allows neighbors an opportunity to speak up with any potential issues they may be concerned about, and for the commissioners time to assess these issues. If no issues are found a Bed and Breakast permit will be issued within four months or sooner of receiveing the initial application. Please see useful links for this process below.

Use_Permit_form (hawaiicounty.gov)

Requirement to Inform Property Owners – Laserfiche WebLink (hawaiicounty.gov)

Chapter 25 (hawaiicounty.gov)

Want to Know More?

Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have regarding homes and land you are interested in.  I look forward to helping you find the perfect property here on the Big Island of Hawaii.

About the Author

Lisa Heaviside

Lisa Heaviside is a REALTOR Salesperson with Hawai’i Life. I have over 18 years of experience as a licensed Realtor in the state of Hawaii since 2003. When you choose me to help you Sell or Buy your Big Island Property, you can be confident you are dealing with a knowledgeable and experienced professional who consistently delivers an exemplary level of service. Throughout my career, I have refined my skills as a savvy negotiator and strive to deliver maximum value for my clients. I seek to create lasting relationships with each client I meet with and advise. Consequently, I have turned many satisfied clients into great friends. Please keep me in mind if you should ever decide to sell your Big Island property or looking to purchase. I offer excellent communication skills with a commitment to personal excellence and client satisfaction. You can email me at lisaheaviside@hawaiilife.com or via phone at (808) 987-3791.

About the Author

Lisa Heaviside

Lisa Heaviside is a REALTOR Salesperson with Hawai’i Life. I have over 18 years of experience as a licensed Realtor in the state of Hawaii since 2003. When you choose me to help you Sell or Buy your Big Island Property, you can be confident you are dealing with a knowledgeable and experienced professional who consistently delivers an exemplary level of service. Throughout my career, I have refined my skills as a savvy negotiator and strive to deliver maximum value for my clients. I seek to create lasting relationships with each client I meet with and advise. Consequently, I have turned many satisfied clients into great friends. Please keep me in mind if you should ever decide to sell your Big Island property or looking to purchase. I offer excellent communication skills with a commitment to personal excellence and client satisfaction. You can email me at lisaheaviside@hawaiilife.com or via phone at (808) 987-3791.