

加拿大最大的医用大麻生产商-冠军成长股份有限公司Canopy Growth Corp.(TSX:WEED)的股价在过去一个月中翻了一番。投资者很少看到这种股价上涨,特别是当许多分析师提高红旗并将加拿大大麻股票称为资产泡沫的典型例子时。

但是,尽管有这些警告,但在几个星期之内有机会将投资翻倍的时候,很难抵制诱惑。让我们看看加拿大最大的大麻生产商Canopy Growth是否仍然是一个好买盘,或者如果我们需要小心这些极高的估值。








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对于长线投资者,我仍然推荐Canopy Growth股票,它的所有成分都成为娱乐市场上最大的玩家。Canopy通过收购和合作,一旦市场开放,就已经把自己定位在领先地位。

Canopy Growth Corp.?s (TSX:WEED) share price has doubled during the past month. Investors rarely see this kind of jump in share prices, especially when many analysts are raising the red flag and calling Canadian marijuana stocks a classic example of an asset bubble.

But despite these warnings, it?s hard to resist temptation when there?s a chance to double your investment in just a few weeks. Let?s see if Canopy Growth, Canada?s largest pot producer, is still a good buy or if we need to be careful on these extremely high valuations.

Prospects for 2018

The momentum you?re seeing in Canada?s cannabis stocks is mainly coming from the potential legalization of the recreational sale of pot as of July 1, 2018.

Canada will become only the second country in the world (after Uruguay) to legalize the production, sale, and consumption of recreational marijuana.

To make this happen before its self-imposed deadline, the federal government has made a great deal of progress. During the past six months, we have witnessed some major developments that were enough to assure investors that the federal government and provinces are serious about putting together a legal and operational framework before the summer.

An agreement between the federal government and the provinces over sharing tax revenues from pot sales in the recreational market was reached last month, effectively removing one of the major roadblocks. Earlier, Canada?s House of Commons passed a bill that will allow the recreational consumption of cannabis in the country. This bill is now up for debate in the Senate.

Risks to demand forecast

Despite these positive developments, many analysts believe that after the triple-digit gains of 2017, Canopy stock has entered a bubble territory, as there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the scale of expected demand and selling prices. There are also  execution risks, which very few investors seem to be concerned about.

The market for recreational pot is estimated to reach between $5-10 billion by 2021. However, these forecasts assume that the black market will simply disappear and that the majority of buyers will turn to the legal channels.

This assumption, however, is too optimistic. There will still be a cost incentive for illegal sellers, as they will keep their costs low by avoiding taxes, regulations, and quality checks.

Despite the Canopy?s leading position in Canada?s marijuana sector, the risks are rising for a sustained pullback after these massive gains in its stock price. I think almost all the positive news has been factored into the current valuations and that the gains we?re now seeing are purely speculative.

The bottom line

Investors who are thinking to make a quick buck in this space should be very careful before jumping on the bandwagon, as fundamentals don?t justify these prices and any negative news might bring a sharp correction.

For long-term investors, I still recommend Canopy Growth stock, which has all the ingredients to become the largest player in the recreational market. Canopy, through acquisitions and partnership, has positioned itself to lead the pack once the market is open.


全球最大医疗大麻合法种植者:冠军成长股份有限公司Canopy Growth Corporation(TWMJF)

冠军成长股份有限公司Canopy Growth Corporation(OTC MARKETS:TWMJF、TSX:WEED)创立于2014年,前称Tweed Marijuana Inc.(特威德大麻公司),于2015年9月改为现用名,总部位于加拿大安大略省Smiths Falls,全职雇员202人,通过其子公司,在加拿大生产和销售医用大麻。

Canopy Growth Corporation(TWMJF)美股百科:

Canopy Growth Corporation(CGC),原Tweed Marijuana Inc.,是一家位于加拿大安大略省史密斯瀑布的医疗大麻公司。它是北美第一家受联邦管制,在多伦多证券交易所上市的大麻制造商,股票代码:TSX:WEED。由于大麻目前仅在加拿大合法用于医疗目的,因此CGC等种植者在加拿大卫生部根据”大麻医用目的法规”(ACMPR)获得许可。 Canopy Growth Corporation是一家多授权( multi-licensed)、地理上多样化的大麻生产商,2016年12月被金融时报(Financial Post)描述为”世界之一、和加拿大第一的大麻出口商(one of the world’s — and Canada’s first — premier exporters of marijuana)”

CGC最初作为Tweed Marijuana Inc.运营,但于2015年9月更名为Canopy Growth Corp.,拥有两个成熟的品牌——Tweed 和 Bedrocan。 具体来说, Canopy Growth Corporation是持牌大麻生产商Tweed Inc.、Tweed Farms Inc., 和 Bedrocan Canada Inc. Tweed的母公司公司,合并批准生产(种植)面积超过55万平方英尺。

Canopy Growth Corporation先后收购了Prime1 Construction Services Corp.(2014.6)和Bedrocan Cannabis Corp.(2015.6),并与Indoor Harvest Corp.、DNA Genetics、AusCann Group Holdings Ltd.建立合作或伙伴关系。

Canopy Growth Corporation(TWMJF)历史百科:

  • 20141月,Tweed Marijuana Inc.被授予向大麻注册用户合法生产大麻的许可证。
  • 20144月,“Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations”MMPR生效,TweedNOTL设备第一批获得批准。
  • 20146月,Tweed Marijuana Inc.收购Prime1 Construction Services Corp.
  • 20148月,Chuck Rifici被董事会从Tweed Marijuana Inc.总裁职位上赶下台。
  • 20152月,特威德大麻公司与Indoor Harvest Corp. 开展试点项目,安装了最先进的航空航天系统供研究与开发。
  • 20156, Tweed 收购 Canadian Licensed Producer Bedrocan Cannabis Corp.
  • 20159月,Tweed Marijuana Inc. 更名为 Canopy Growth Corporation,原Tweed Inc., Tweed Farms Inc. Bedrocan Canada Inc. 继续在CGC母公司下独立运营。
  • 201510月,Tweed宣布与在大麻育种和遗传学中最广泛认可和广受赞誉的全球品牌之一——DNA Genetics建立合作关系。
  • 20161月,Bedrocan宣布开始True Compassionate Pricing(价格体系),以5美元/克提供其所有产品。
  • 20162月,Canopy Growth Corporation与美国殿堂级说唱天王Snoop Dogg合作,该协议授予前者专有权利使用LBC Holdings拥有的某些内容和品牌。
  • 20162月,Canopy Growth获得出售大麻油的许可证,推出了101大麻油产品线。
  • 20163月,Tweed Farms获准在安大略省Niagara-on-the-Lake的工厂生产、拥有和运送干大麻。
  • 20165月,Canopy GrowthAusCann Group Holdings Ltd. AusCann)合作,后者是澳大利亚新生医药大麻行业的早期领先企业,这次合作也是加拿大大麻公司首例国际交易。
  • 20165月,Bedrocan Canada 承办医疗专业人士的职业大师班。
  • 20165月,TweedBedrocan宣布计划资助一项全国运动,以提高在大麻影响下驾驶机动车辆的障碍意识。该活动由两个国家领先组织(Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC) Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD Canada))开展和管理,以促进基于证据的药物政策和安全驾驶。
  • 20166月,Canopy Growth获得有条件批准从TSX Venture Exchange转板TSX
  • 20167月,首席执行官布鲁斯·林顿(Bruce Linton)出售40万股股份,以弥补特威德大厦所有权的财务义务及相关融资。
  • 20168月,加拿大政府发布了关于大麻生产的新条例,重新规定了患者个人生产自己的大麻的权利。
  • 201611月,Canopy Growth成为大麻行业中第一家实现10亿美元独角兽地位的公司。公司在1116日的估价为二十亿美元,一个星期后,八个美国州通过了以某种形式合法化大麻的投票举措。
  • 20172月,公司估值9.43亿美金。根据2016年度报告,患者基数增加了260%,收入比2015年增加了约180%。Canopy Growth公司以4.3亿美元收购了竞争对手Mettrum Health Corp.,正在等待最终的监管批准。
  • 201745日,加拿大医用大麻生命科学EFT产品——Horizons Medical Marijuana Life Sciences ETF获准在多伦多交易所上市。
