最新出的第二代苹果电视盒Apple TV Box 4K和第一代比较

Old Apple TV 4K 1st vs . New Apple TV 4K 2nd generation(苹果电视盒4K第一代与第二代)买方指南

2021513日星期四上午11 : 07Hartley Charlton主持。

20214月,苹果发布了第二代Apple TV 4K2021年),首次将高Framerate HDR引入Apple TVA12芯片,以提高性能,同时重新设计了Siri遥控器。

这个型号取代了2017年发布的第一代Apple TV 4K 。尽管第一代Apple TV 4K已经被苹果停产,但第三方零售商通常会发现它可以以折扣价购买。其他一些已经拥有第一代Apple TV 4K的用户也可能想知道升级到第二代模式是否比第一代4K电视盒更值得购买。

您应该考虑购买第一代Apple TV 4K可以省钱,还是需要第二代Apple TV 4K获取更新颖的功能? 下面的指南回答了如何决定这两个Apple TV的机顶盒中哪一个最适合您的问题。

第一代和第二代Apple TV 4K的比较

第一代和第二代的Apple TV How 4K机型具有相同的设计和一些关键功能,例如支持分辨率高达2160P Dolby VisionHDR10


  • 设计、尺寸和重量
  • 2160p 1080p 720p 576p 480p高于HDMIHDCP能力)
  • SDR HDR10 Dolby Vision
  • 支持最高7.1 . 4频道和杜比气氛的音频输出
  • HDMI – CEC
  • 千兆以太网
  • 蓝牙5
  • AirPlay 2
  • 可选用32GB64GB存储配置选项

第一代的Apple TV 4K和第二代的Apple TV 4K之间有很多重要的区别,包括处理器和遥控器。


Apple TV 4K(第一代)

  • 2.38 GHz六核A10X融合芯片
  • HDMI 2.0 a
  • Wi – Fi 5
  • 第一代Siri遥控器

Apple TV 4K(第二代)

  • 2.49 GHz六核A12仿生芯片
  • 支持高帧率HDR视频,最高可达60 fps
  • HDMI 2.1
  • Wi – Fi 6
  • ARCERC *
  • 线程支持
  • 第二代Siri遥控器


请继续阅读下面以详细了解这些方面,并了解这两款 Apple TV 4K 型号究竟提供了什么。


‌Apple TV‌ 4K 支持高达 2160p 超高清的分辨率。
两种型号均支持标准动态范围 (SDR),以及 HDR10 和杜比视界,以获得更丰富的色彩和更深的黑色。 它们还支持带有 7.1.4 声道环绕声和杜比全景声的音频输出。

第二代 Apple TV 4K 增加了对高达 60-fps 的高帧率 HDR 的支持。 高帧率 HDR 视频可实现每秒 60 帧的快速移动动作,播放更流畅,看起来更逼真。

借助 AirPlay 中的高帧率支持,在 iPhone 12 Pro 上拍摄的视频可以在第二代Apple TV 4K 上以全 60-fps 杜比视界显示。 Apple 还与世界各地的视频提供商合作,包括 FOX Sports、NBCUniversal、Paramount+、Red Bull TV 和 Canal+,因为它们开始以高帧率 HDR 流式传输。

两款 Apple TV 4K 型号在视频和音频功能方面的唯一区别是对高帧率 HDR 的支持。 如果这是一项对您很重要的功能,那么您将需要获得第二代 Apple TV 4K。

对于绝大多数观众来说,高帧率 HDR 的重要性不足以证明购买新型号的合理性。 大多数内容仍然无法以高帧率格式提供,即使在这种情况下,高帧率视频也最适合体育、非电影内容和短视频。

系统固件版本tvOS 14.5 tvOS 14.6 测试版代码表明,第二代
Apple TV 4K 还将添加对 ARC eARC 的支持,允许用户将音频、音量和静音命令从Apple TV‌发送到接收器或条形音箱。

这应该允许用户将来自其他机顶盒(如有线电视盒或游戏机)的音频通过 HDMI 发送到他们的电视,然后通过 HDMI 通过 eARC 从电视发送到 Apple TV,最后从 Apple TV 发送到连接的音频
Apple TV
上的 eARC 支持有效地允许用户在家庭影院扬声器设置中使用 HomePod,不仅可以满足来自
Apple TV

A10X Fusion 与 A12 仿生芯片

第二代 Apple TV 4K 配备 A12 仿生芯片。 A12 仿生芯片为 2018 年的 iPhone XS、XS Max 和 XR 以及 2019 年版的 iPad Air 和 iPad Mini 以及 2020 年的入门级iPad提供了动力。

A10X Fusion 芯片比 A12 更老,并首次在 2017 年的 iPad Pro 机型中推出。 A12 2.49 GHz 六核芯片,比 A10X 稍强,后者是 2.38 GHz 六核芯片。

虽然处理能力并不是机顶盒的绝对优先事项,但 Apple TV 4K 更新的 A12 芯片通常比 A10X 更强大。
无论是玩游戏、应用程序启动速度,还是简单的一般响应能力,A12 都可能更加敏捷。

然而,A12 不一定在各个方面都是明显的赢家,因为 A10X 在某些图形基准测试中实际上优于它,这要归功于其额外的图形核心,因此比较性能可能取决于内容的类型。

通过对 tvOS 的逐步更新,A12 将随着时间的推移保证更好的性能,并且比第一代 Apple TV 4K 中的 A10X 更具前瞻性。



第二代的Apple TV 4K使用最新版本的HDMI 2.1 ,而第一代的Apple TV 4K使用较旧的HDMI 2.0 HDMI 2.1促进了许多新的Apple TV 4K的新增视频功能,例如高帧率的HDR 。这两款机型都有千兆以太网。


虽然两款机型都配备了蓝牙5.0 ,但只有第二代机型配备了Wi – Fi 6 。第一代Apple TVWi – Fi 5无线网络标准已经过时。



除了第二代 ‌Apple TV‌ 4K 之外,Apple 还推出了完全重新设计的‌Siri‌ Remote。 新的“Siri”遥控器采用更厚的一体式铝制设计,更舒适地握在用户手中。

新的 ‌Siri‌ 遥控器具有点击板控件,可提供五向导航以提高准确性,并且还支持触摸以实现快速定向滑动。 触控板的外圈支持直观的圆形手势,可将其变成轻触旋控控制。

新的“Siri”遥控器还有一个电源按钮,可以直接控制电视的电源,还有一个用于静音。 为方便起见,“Siri”按钮已移至遥控器一侧。 第二代 ‌Siri‌ Remote 也放弃了其前身的内置加速度计和陀螺仪。

苹果电视 4k siri 遥控器

第一代 ‌Apple TV‌ 4K 具有较旧的第一代‌Siri‌遥控器,该遥控器于 2015 年首次与‌Apple TV‌ HD 一起出现。

第一代 ‌Siri‌ 遥控器具有没有方向按钮的玻璃触摸表面。 没有电源按钮或静音按钮,也没有将触摸板用作轻触旋控控制的能力。

第一代 ‌Siri‌ Remote 的设计因不符合人体工程学而受到批评,并已被显着改进的重新设计模型所取代。 尽管第一代 ‌Apple TV‌ 4K 配备了较旧的遥控器,但只需 59 美元即可单独购买新遥控器。


‌Apple TV‌ HD 于 2015 年首次发布,从那时起作为入门级选项一直保留在 Apple 的产品线中,售价 149 美元。 ‌Apple TV‌ HD 采用 A8 芯片,仅支持高达 1080p 的分辨率。 尽管硬件较旧,但 ‌Apple TV‌ HD 配备了第二代‌Siri‌ Remote。

Apple TV HDApple TV 4K买家指南

‌Apple TV‌ HD 和‌Apple TV‌ 4K 之间只有 30 美元的价格差异。

唯一应该考虑 ‌Apple TV‌ HD 的人是预算有限的人,不打算升级其设置的人,以及对超高清 4K、HDR 或杜比全景声等技术不感兴趣的人。

‌Apple TV‌ HD 似乎也是现有‌Apple TV‌用户的一个不错的选择,他们希望为另一个房间购买额外的‌Apple TV‌以进行Apple Fitness+等活动。


对于大多数现有的第一代Apple TV 4K用户来说,升级到第二代模式可能不值得,因为改进很小。

鉴于对第一代Siri Auto Remote的抱怨,很难推荐新买家错过重新设计的版本。如果新的Siri Auto Remote是第二代Apple TV Auto 4K中最诱人的部分,那么可以单独以59美元购买新的遥控器。

如果你能买到足够便宜的第一代Apple TV 4K ,你可以购买第二代Apple TV 4KSiri Remote来添加它,并且仍然低于第二代Apple TV 4K179美元的起始价格,那么购买第一代Apple TV 4K是有意义的。

除非你这样做,让第一代的Apple TV以非常好的价格与第二代的Apple TV 4K相比,购买新的机型是有意义的。




Friday December 17, 2021 3:34 AM PST by Hartley Charlton

In April 2021, Apple revealed the second-generation Apple TV 4K, bringing high framerate HDR to the Apple TV for the first time and the A12 chip for improved performance, alongside a redesigned Siri Remote.

Apple TV 4K 1 vs 2

This model replaced the first-generation Apple TV 4K released in 2017. Although the first-generation Apple TV 4K has now been discontinued by Apple, it is common to find it available at discounted prices with third-party retailers. Some other users who already have the first-generation Apple TV 4K may also be wondering if it is worth the upgrade to the second-generation model.

Should you consider purchasing the first-generation Apple TV 4K to save money, or do you need the second-generation Apple TV 4K? Our guide answers the question of how to decide which of these two Apple TV set-top boxes is best for you.

Comparing the First and Second-Generation Apple TV 4K

The first and second-generation Apple TV 4K models share the same design and a number of key features such as support for resolutions up to 2160p, Dolby Vision, and HDR10:


Design, dimensions, and weight

2160p, 1080p, 720p, 576p, 480p over HDMI (HDCP capable)

SDR, HDR10, Dolby Vision

Supports audio output up to 7.1.4 channels and Dolby Atmos


Gigabit Ethernet

Bluetooth 5

AirPlay 2

Available in 32GB and 64GB storage configuration options


There are a large number of important differences between the first-generation Apple TV 4K and the second-generation Apple TV 4K that are worth highlighting, including their processors and remote controls.


Apple TV 4K (First-Generation)

2.38 GHz hexa-core A10X Fusion chip

HDMI 2.0a

Wi-Fi 5

First-generation Siri Remote

Apple TV 4K (Second-Generation)

2.49 GHz hexa-core A12 Bionic chip

Support for high framerate HDR video up to 60-fps

HDMI 2.1

Wi-Fi 6

ARC and eARC*

Thread support

Second-generation Siri Remote

*according to beta code, not yet enabled

Read on for a closer look at each of these aspects, and see what exactly both of the Apple TV 4K models have to offer.

Video and Audio

The Apple TV 4K supports resolutions up to 2160p Ultra HD. Both models support standard dynamic range (SDR), as well as HDR10 and Dolby Vision for richer colors and deeper blacks. They also feature support for audio output with 7.1.4 channel surround sound and Dolby Atmos.

homepod mini apple tv

The second-generation Apple TV 4K adds support for high framerate HDR up to 60-fps. High framerate HDR video enables fast-moving action at 60 frames per second to play more smoothly and appear more lifelike.

With high frame rate support in AirPlay, videos shot on the iPhone 12 Pro can be displayed in full 60-fps Dolby Vision on the second-generation Apple TV 4K. Apple is also working with video providers around the world, including FOX Sports, NBCUniversal, Paramount+, Red Bull TV, and Canal+, as they begin to stream in high frame rate HDR.

apple tv 4k tv hdr

The only difference in terms of video and audio capabilities between the two Apple TV 4K models is support for high framerate HDR. If this is a feature that is important to you, then you will need to get the second-generation Apple TV 4K.

For the vast majority of viewers, high framerate HDR will not be important enough to justify buying the newer model. Most content is still not available in high framerate formats, and even where it is, high framerate video is best suited to sports, non-cinematic content, and short videos.

tvOS 14.5 and tvOS 14.6 beta code suggests that the second-generation Apple TV 4K will also add support for ARC and eARC, allowing users to send audio, volume, and mute commands from the Apple TV to a receiver or soundbar.

This should allow users to send audio coming from other set-top boxes like a cable box or games console to their TV via HDMI, then from the TV to the Apple TV via eARC over HDMI, and finally from the Apple TV to a connected audio device. eARC support on the Apple TV effectively allows users to use the HomePod, when set up in a home theater speaker setup, not only for audio from Apple TV, but for all other home theater audio needs.

A10X Fusion vs. A12 Bionic

The second-generation Apple TV 4K features the A12 Bionic chip. The A12 Bionic chip powered the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR in 2018, as well as the 2019 versions of the iPad Air and iPad Mini, and the 2020 entry-level iPad.


The A10X Fusion chip is older than the A12 and was first introduced with 2017’s iPad Pro models. The A12 is a 2.49 GHz hexa-core chip and is slightly more powerful than the A10X, which is a 2.38 GHz hexa-core chip.

While processing power is not an absolute priority with a set-top box, the Apple TV 4K’s more recent A12 chip will generally be more capable than the A10X. Whether it comes to playing games, app launch speeds, or simply general responsiveness, the A12 is likely to be more snappy.

The A12 isn’t necessarily a clear winner in every aspect, however, as the A10X actually outperforms it in some graphics benchmarks thanks to its additional graphics cores, so comparative performance may depend on the type of content.

Through progressive updates to tvOS, the A12 will guarantee better performance over time and will be more future-proof than the A10X in the first-generation Apple TV 4K.


Wired Connectivity

The second-generation Apple TV 4K features the most recent version of HDMI with version 2.1, while the first-generation Apple TV 4K uses the older HDMI 2.0a. HDMI 2.1 facilitates many of the newer Apple TV 4K’s added video capabilities like high-framerate HDR. Both models have gigabit ethernet.


Wireless Connectivity

While both Apple TV 4K models feature Bluetooth 5.0, only the second-generation model features Wi-Fi 6. The first-generation Apple TV has the older Wi-Fi 5 wireless networking standard.

The second-generation ‌‌Apple TV‌‌ 4K is the second Apple device to have built-in Thread support, following the HomePod mini, for improved integration into smart home setups. Thread is a low-power networking technology that offers a secure, mesh-based system able to interface with other Thread-enabled smart home devices for improved connectivity.

Siri Remote

Alongside the second-generation Apple TV 4K, Apple introduced a completely redesigned Siri Remote. With a thicker, one-piece aluminum design, the new Siri Remote fits more comfortably in a user’s hand.

The new Siri Remote features a clickpad control that offers five-way navigation for better accuracy and is also touch-enabled for fast directional swipes. The outer ring of the clickpad supports an intuitive circular gesture that turns it into a jog control.

The new Siri Remote also has a power button that controls a TV’s power directly, and another for mute. The Siri button has been relocated to the side of the remote for convenience. The second-generation Siri Remote also dropped the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope from its predecessor.

apple tv 4k siri remote

The first-generation Apple TV 4K features the older, first-generation Siri Remote that first appeared in 2015 with the Apple TV HD.

The first-generation Siri Remote has a glass touch surface with no directional buttons. There is no power button or mute button, nor is there the ability to use the touchpad as a jog.


The design of the first-generation Siri Remote has been criticized for being unergonomic and has been replaced by the significantly improved redesigned model. Although the first-generation Apple TV 4K features the older remote, it is possible to simply purchase the new remote separately for $59.

Other Apple TV Options

The Apple TV HD was first released in 2015 and has remained in Apple’s lineup since then as an entry-level option for $149. The Apple TV HD features the A8 chip and only supports resolutions up to 1080p. In spite of its older hardware, the Apple TV HD comes with the second-generation Siri Remote.

Apple TV HD vs. Apple TV 4K Buyer’s Guide

There is only a $30 price difference between the Apple TV HD and Apple TV 4K.

The only people who should consider the Apple TV HD are individuals on a strict budget, those with no intention of upgrading their setups, and those with no interest in technologies like Ultra-HD 4K, HDR, or Dolby Atmos.

The Apple TV HD may also appear to be a good option for existing Apple TV users looking to buy an additional Apple TV for another room for activities such as Apple Fitness+.

Final Thoughts

For most existing first-generation Apple TV 4K users, the upgrade to the second-generation model will likely not be worth it since the improvements are minor.

Given the complaints about the first-generation Siri Remote, it is difficult to recommend new buyers to miss out on the redesigned version. If the new Siri Remote is the most alluring part of the second-generation Apple TV 4K for you, then it is possible to simply buy the new remote separately for $59.

It would make sense to buy the first-generation Apple TV 4K if you can get it cheap enough that you can buy the second-generation Siri Remote to add to it, and still have spent less than the $179 starting price of the second-generation Apple TV 4K.

apple tv 4k design

Unless you do this and get the first-generation Apple TV for a very good price compared to the second-generation Apple TV 4K, it makes sense to buy the newer model instead.

Although the second-generation model is very similar to its predecessor in terms of specifications, the faster and more recent A12 processor will make it more future-proof. Users who watch a lot of sports and care about high framerate video will also be better off spending more to get the newer model.

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